Cemeteries |
Click here for Erie County Lodge 300 cemetery records. Ahavas Sholom Cemetery - Pennsylvania Avenue near Witmer, Niagara Falls. Newer & older graves. Beth Israel Cemetery - Military Road between the Niagara Power Project & Mt. St. Mary's Hospital, Lewiston. Newer & older graves. B'nai Jacob Cemetery - east end of Lansdale Place, Buffalo. Cemetery of the former Clinton Street shul. No longer actively used and in poor condition. Last burial ca. 1970. Elmlawn Cemetery - Brighton Road between Delaware Road & Colvin Boulevard, Town of Tonawanda. Temple Shaarey Zedek (formerly Temple Emanuel) cemetery takes the western 4/5 of the grounds on north side of road. Eastern 1/5 is Congregation Ohel Jacob cemetery. Forest Lawn Cemetery - Bounded by Scajaquada Expressway, Delaware Avenue, Delavan Avenue and Main Street, Buffalo. Entrances are on Delaware & Delavan, Main Street & Delavan, and Main Street & Jefferson. Temple Beth Zion sections are section FF, which has mostly older graves, and section Z, which contains newer graves. Pine Ridge Cemeteries - Pine Ridge Road south of Maryvale, Cheektowaga. The cemeteries on the east side of the road, from north to south starting at Maryvale are as follows: Congreation Ahavath Sholem (Jefferson shul) cemetery, contact 838-5110; B'nai Israel Cemetery Association. The cemeteries on the west side of Pine Ridge road continue on after passing Sugar Road, as follows: Beth Zion cemetery; B'rith Sholom Cemetery; North Park Society Inc.; Holy Order of the Living; Lubovitz Synagogue (succeeded by Congregation B'nai Shalom) Cemetery; Temple Beth David (succeeded by Temple Shaarey Zedek) cemetery; Cemetery B'rith Israel; Workmen's Circle Cemetery; Congregation Anshe Emes Cemetery; Cemetery Ahavas Achim (succeeded by Congregation B'nai Shalom); Mount Carmel Lodge Cemetery (behind Cemetery Ahavas Achim); Temple Beth El Cemetery. |