
Some Holocaust Conclusions

Commentary by Dr. Ursula A. Falk



Some of Life's Lessons Learned from the Holocaust


The most unexpected can happen. 

Life is not always what we make it but what it makes of us.  

Money can solve many problems, as can wisdom and forethought.  The combination of both is unparalleled. The wealthier Jewish population who foresaw from history and circumstances what lay ahead were able to rescue themselves before it was too late.  The courageous encouraged their loved ones to leave, even if by circumstances or lack of affidavits or passports they were unable to join them at that moment.  

Denying the Jewish religion was of very little help and brought more tragedy when found out.  

Support from fellow Jews brought relief, whereas the Christian population exploited the situation and became the “willing executioners” and recipients of the misfortunes of the persecuted. 

Wickedness knows no limits. 

Arrogance disappeared and rich and poor alike were abused as one, without regard to education, profession, or status. 

Might makes right.  Those in power decided the fate of the Jewish population.  

Advantages turn easily and consorts with evil deeds: Jewish “friends” and neighbors were abandoned and open theft was considered heroic. 

Fear of the unknown can become our biggest foible.  Those Jews who were afraid of leaving their homes, “their country”, their earthly goods, their security, became the victims of their “Angst”.  There were a number of the German Jewish population who insisted that they would leave only “mit dem letzten Schnellzug” (the last train).  Indeed they did leave with the last train:  To Dachau, Bergen Belsen, Theresienstadt, Matthausen, etc.

Under certain circumstances, especially when danger looms, acting swiftly and decisively is of the greatest help!  

Hiding from the truth is self destructive and an  illusion.  Looking at reality with a sober attitude can save lives.  

Psychopaths have no mercy and no conscience.  It was seen during the Hitler era and can be seen in the criminal mind in our current culture. Examples are such men as Sanchez, Daumer, Vick, Gacy, DeSalvo, Manson, etc. 

We cannot be subservient to our enemies.  In our historic past we placated, we bowed, we scraped, we turned the other cheek. We played the role of subservient “Untermensch” to avoid conflict.  Conflict must be faced and tended to in a manner befitting the circumstances with might.  We learned this from our Israeli brothers and sisters, who do not hesitate to retaliate and have become a people who defend themselves, their country and their right to exist.  

Let us remember the lessons learned from history and be proud of our heritage, our wisdom, and our Jewishness.


Dr. Ursula A. Falk is a psychotherapist in private practice and the co-author, with Dr. Gerhard Falk, of  Deviant Nurses & Improper Patient Care (2006).

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