
King Tut

Commentary by Dr. Ursula A. Falk


Tutankhamun, Pharaoh of Egypt

  Ruler of the Eighteenth Dynasty


Tutankhamun was nine years of age when he became Pharaoh and reigned for approximately nine years.  This man's significance stems frmo the fact that his reign was close to the "apogee of Egypt as a world power and his rejection of the radical religious innovations introduced by his predecessor and father, Akhenaten."

The importance for our Jewish people is that this Pharaoh, this man, rejected the radical religious innovations which ahd been introduced by his father and kepth those that were "normal" for his time.

Already at his young age, Tutuankhamun could not be forced into that which was "wrong," in spite of his father's attempt to change the religious beliefs of his underlings, with the threat of strict and punitive actions should they fail to follow his edicts. At his young age, he knew the rights of his people and, for that time (the 1300s BCE), the righteous paths to follow.  He died at age nineteen.  It is felt that he was a very competent ruler for the few years that he was on this earth.

As Jewish people, much can be learned from the brief period that Tutankhamun lived.  He considered his people, and practiced what was right for them as best he knew.  He did not become a cruel and overwhelming dictator, did not change for rigidities nor brutalities, and appeared to practice what he knew was not rigid and not cruel.

It is also interesting to note that his deeds, his beliefs, and his accomplishments were mostly recognized and appreciated after his death.

Unfortunately, we, as Jewish people, have not recognized clearly who would be best and just for our Jewish brethren and mistakenly, through ignorance and flawed feelings, have chosen the wrong candidates.  We frequently choose the candidate who pretends to be the most seemingly empathetic without recognizing reality.


 Dr. Ursula A. Falk is a psychotherapist in private practice and the author of several books and articles.

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