The Corruption of Higher Education

Commentary by Dr. Gerhard Falk


The Decline of American Colleges and Universities

After the Second World War which ended with the surrender of Japan, sixteen million men were discharged by the US armed forces. Together with some women who had served in several capacities in the Army, Navy, and Air Force, as well as the women enrolled in the institutions of higher education even during the war, the colleges and universities of the country grew immensely. Not  only those colleges and universities which already existed before 1941, but also numerous new colleges grew each year, with more faculty, more students, and the usual overextended so-called administrators, who, like politicians everywhere, succeeded in making higher education the target of their ambitions. 

One consequence of this extraordinary growth was the effort of high school teachers to push students into going to college while threatening that those whose grades were poor would not be admitted to legitimate universities and colleges. Seeking to be college graduates despite a lack of interest in study and learning, so called “party schools” grew alongside legitimate institutions. The “party schools” were private colleges whose faculties demanded little of their students because the salaries of professors depended on the tuition paid by the students.

At the same time, the U.S. government, i.e. the taxpayer, paid the tuition of all veterans and also paid a sum to each veteran student for needed housing, food, etc. Indeed, colleges and universities became big business after 1945, a condition which weakened somewhat by 1970 and began to decline precipitously in about 1990.

In the 21st century, a few smaller colleges began to close their doors as the rise in tuition reduced their enrollment more and more. Yet, it wasn’t until 2020  that college enrollment began to decline, not only because of the cost of tuition, books, travel,  food, and rent, but also because some parents began to recognize that their college student children were not wanted in the job market with so called “liberal arts” degrees such as sociology, history, political science,  etc. It seemed to many parents that their children were working in occupations which had nothing to do with their degrees. Furthermore, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, and other blue collar workers were in high demand by 2020, and earned  more than many a college graduate. Therefore, enrollment began to soften in 2020, so that by 2023, a long list of private colleges have had to close. These closures were not only precipitated by high costs.  As early as 1990, many faculties began to appoint only those professors who promoted so called “liberal” politics and who voted for the Democrat party. This development was new in higher education, as in earlier years American schools prided themselves on allowing all opinions to be heard and freedom of speech was guaranteed. However, as faculties became more and more wedded to so-called liberal opinions, the Democrat party and its followers gradually eliminated from college faculties anyone not preaching the doctrines of Marx and Engels. No longer were faculties judged by their competence as scholars and teachers but only by their political orientation, colored mainly by hatred of Jews and the elevation of the belief that the United States had become a useless and worthless country. Freedom of speech came to an end in most American colleges by 2000, so that no opinion other than Marxist diatribes were allowed on the campuses of the country. Any speakers who deviate from the communist catechism are shouted down by large numbers of students, so that the views of so called “conservatives” cannot be heard. In view of the anti-Jewish hatred displayed in most American colleges and fueled by large numbers of Arab immigrants, Jewish students have few choices in seeking to earn a college degree, Thus anti-Jewish hate is also displayed in Canadian universities, and strongly supported by faculties in both countries.

Therefore numerous colleges have now closed for lack of students. Others have substituted political doctrines and beliefs for learning and scholarship, so that students cannot learn much from professors who rant their politics instead of teaching subject matter.

The principal victims of these betrayals of “the American dream” are as always, the Jews. Yes, Hitler lives in the American universities who appoint a former mayor of Chicago, Lightfoot, to their faculty while discarding all pretense of  being a school. Instead our renowned universities are propaganda machines which teach political and religious hatred and thereby lose more and more students each year.

The outcome of these trends has to be the weakening of our defenses, the increase in ignorance, the ascendancy of religious bigotry, and the destruction of education by fanatics and fools who seek to destroy the only free country on this earth.

“Tantum politica potruit suadere malorum.”

Shalom u'vracha.

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