Double Standards in the Criminal Justice System

Commentary by Dr. Gerhard Falk


Land of the Free and Home of the Brave

The United  States population in 2023 consists  of 332 million. Women are 51% and men are 49% of all inhabitants, although the millions who have illegally entered this country at the invitation of the Democrats are not included in this statistic.

Twenty percent of the American population are over 65 years old, and are largely retired. Fifty-eight percent are 18 to 64 years old and eligible to be included in the labor force.

Twenty-two percent are 0 to 17 years old,  are therefore children, of whom all who are at least six years old are expected to be enrolled in a school.

47% of the the labor force of the United States are women.

132 million of the labor force work full time and 37 million work part time.  Most are not working out of the home, although child rearing and feeding the family each day is done almost entirely by women, who work more than most employees.

Those  over 65 and all schoolchildren are 42% of those not working. In addition, numerous recently married women stay at home to care for young children. In addition, some married women have  never worked outside the home, even at advanced ages.  This leaves millions of able bodied men unemployed but living on the dole as given them by the government.

The policy of giving money to those not willing to work has resulted in a severe labor shortage among low level employees in this country. Restaurant employees are as hard to find as are taxi drivers, store clerks and office personnel. Store owners and factories raise their prices in order to attract non-working people to accept higher paying jobs.  As prices increase, many low paid families cannot afford to pay for food, rent, clothing, transportation, and health care. If that trend continues much longer, a depression is a certain outcome. The Federal Reserve Bank trustees attempt to prevent such a catastrophe, although the continuation of the trend and its outcome are uncertain but entirely possible.

The Democrats, who are responsible for these economic threats, are also seeking to turn this country into a one party police state in which Democrats are not prosecuted for crimes of the worst kind, while Republicans are charged with so called crimes such as holding on to some nonsense papers. Of course, the Democrat Joe Biden is not charged with anything, nor is this true of his son, despite the overwhelming evidence that both are the recipients of Chinese bribery money and other offenses.

The United States has become the land of the two tier justice system. Democrats are routinely discharged from any possible prosecution, even including murder. For example the actor Alex Baldwin, who shot and killed a woman on the set of a movie production, was not charged with murder because he is a Democrat. However, the former Pesident of the United States, Donald Trump, was indicted for a felony which does not exist. Trump is a Republican whose wrongful indictment serves as a warning to all Republicans that they too can be charged with crimes that don’t exist.

These are the same tactics used by all dictators, leading to making this country a former democracy and tuning us into the land of the slaves and the home of the frightened.

The Constitution of the United States is hardly observed, as freedom of speech has been abolished. On our college campuses allow only Democrats to speak. Republicans or anyone supporting causes such as the US Constitution are shouted down and forced to cancel their speeches. Only Democrats are appointed to faculty positions in our colleges and universities, as the entire media community, except for one major TV network and a few newspapers,  support only Democrats. These media consisting of TV, newspapers, and radio broadcasts denounce all Republicans and so-called conservatives  while supporting prosecutors who excuse any crime by a Democrat.

The United States is close to ending all freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the right to freely assemble, and the right to be given a fair trial. Our two tier system of so called justice disregards the US Constitution and all  guarantees of freedom. We are on the road to a dictatorship, which will be our fate if the Democrats win one more presidential election.  “Tantum politico protuit suadere malorum."  

Shalom u'vracha.

  Dr. Gerhard Falk is the author of numerous publications, including The American Jewish Community in the 20th and 21st Century (2021).

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