The Consequences of Defenselessness

Commentary by Dr. Gerhard Falk


International Law

Religious bigots and anti-Jewish hatemongers keep repeating that Israel has no right to exist because international law prohibits Jews from having a country.  The proponents of this diatribe do not consider international law as an obstacle to the mass murder of six million European Jews who were slaughtered in the most brutal manner by the Germans and almost all the nations who now deny Israel the right to exist. Not only the Germans, but also the nations now calling themselves the European Union, all participated in murdering the Jews living among them. Killing Jews is not prohibited by international law. On the contrary. When two Jews are murdered by the so called Palestinians, the EU blames the Jewish victims for defending themselves against the mass murder attempted by the Palestinians every day. For example, a Palestinian recently waited outside of a Jerusalem synagogue until services inside were over. When three Jewish men appeared at the door, the Palestinian shot all three. That is of course not prohibited by international law.

In 1967, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, or the eastern part of Israel occupied by the Arabs, together with Iraq, Saudi, and others attacked Israel from all sides in an effort to kill the entire Jewish population with Russian weapons. The Israelis defeated that effort and have since then held on to the territory gained by Jewish courage and determination. The haters keep calling Israel “occupied territory.” They want Israel to give the Palestinian Nazis any land the Palestinians demand so that the Palestinians can kill all Jews living there. Since the murder of Jews does not violate international law, the EU friends of Hitler, whom they call “a great man,” see nothing wrong with throwing newborn babies out of the fourth story windows of the maternity ward of a Jewish hospital. The tiny babies fell on their heads, their skulls cracked pen o the cement below and their little brains flowed out into the street. That, of course, was not against international law.

The “Palestinians” and their supporters keep claiming that the re-establishment of Israel in 1948 caused thousands of Palestinians to become refugees. That stupid lie pretends that the so called kingdom of Jordan is not part of Israel, despite the fact that Jordan is the part of Israel given to the Arabs by the British occupiers in 1921. Moreover, the liars pretend that the Jews driven out of Libya and all other Arab countries and Iran never existed. The truth is that the real refugees of the years 1948-1950 were the 800,000 Jews who had lived in northern Africa for well over two thousand years were brutally driven out and all their property was stolen by the Arab inhabitants. The Arabs did the same thing to the Jews in their countries as was done by the Europeans, who stole all the property of the Jews they murdered between 1933 and 1945 and which they keep to this day. Of course, stealing Jewish owned land, homes, furniture, kitchen utensils, and of course money is not against international law. International law prohibits Jews from defending themselves against mass murder.

The truth is that the Jews of Israel and all Jews around the world know what happens to Jews who are defenseless. They end up in gas ovens. This history leaves the government of Israel no choice but to defend its citizens against the mass killing contemplated with glee by the Palestinian followers of Hitler.

The violence in Israel will end on the day when the Arabs and their supporters agree that Jews are also human beings who have the same right to live as the 1.5 billion Muslims who view all Jews as inferior nonpersons.

Shalom u'vracha.

  Dr. Gerhard Falk is the author of numerous publications, including The American Jewish Community in the 20th and 21st Century (2021).

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