Incremental Tyranny

Commentary by Dr. Gerhard Falk


Land of the Free?

There is no country on the earth where the inhabitants enjoy as much freedom as in the USA. Nevertheless, it is evident that there are now numerous politicians and citizens who do not agree that the United States shall remain a free country.  Instead many media now support the destruction of freedom in America and seek to make this country another dictatorship, such as are now found in Venezuela, Mexico, and numerous other lands around the globe.

Most egregious in this connection are the huge number of unelected bureaucrats who dictate to American citizens what we may or may not say, do or support. These unelected bureaucrats remind us of the Declaration of Independence, which included in article nine the complaint against the British king George that he “sent hither swarms of officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.”

If the framers of our Declaration of Independence could today experience life in New York State, they would be horrified to discover that in 2024 the citizens of the state are confronted with swarms of officers who harass us and eat out our substance, not because of an English king, but because the government of New York and  a  number of other states do indeed harass the citizens and impose themselves on those  American citizens who live in a state which disregards our constitution and introduces unelected bureaucrats into our private lives solely to wield power over us.

For example, The Bureau of Motor Vehicles decides who may drive and  who may not drive a car. The second amendment to the Constitution allows all citizens the right to carry firearms. Yet, state unelected bureaucrats seek to prevent citizens from owning a gun by repeating over and over again that murder and assault are caused by gun ownership. Of course, guns are inanimate objects which cannot shoot anyone unless a human does the shooting. Guns cannot shoot anyone but people can. Therefore a reasonable person will want to prevent aggressive, angry and emotionally ill people from owning a gun. Yet, the anti-gun bureaucrats want to deprive millions of decent citizens of the guarantees of the second amendment.

We have a criminal justice system in New York which indicts innocent  Republicans but not violent Democrats who have committed numerous crimes of violence.

New York State sells fishing and hunting licenses to the citizens. Now the Bible tells us in Genesis that “In the beginning the Lord created the heavens and the earth and all that is therein.” Evidently the bureaucrats do not own the fish and the deer or any other animals in nature. Therefore the state unelected bureaucrats have no right to charge us for fishing and hunting. Nature is not the property of the state. This leads to the question of why there are so many activities by citizens which are limited by endless need for licenses. It appears that there is hardly anything a New York citizen can do that does not require a license. The answer to this question is evident. Anyone who votes or otherwise does not conform to the beliefs or conduct of the licensers will lose his source of income, his job, or profession. No lawyer can practice without a license and no restaurant can serve food without a license, Therefore it is dangerous for those whose livelihood depends on a license to exhibit views or conduct not supportive of those who grant licenses to citizens.

Many years ago I lived in South Dakota. There were no driver’s licenses in that state at that time. There was no police department in Brookings. Freedom of speech was not curtailed and all citizens could live as they wished, including owning firearms without state interference. Indeed, South Dakota allowed Americans to live in freedom. This is also true of Ohio and Florida.  Unlike states which sought to eliminate a candidate from the state ballot, we still have some states which support our constitution despite Biden, who has introduced seven million foreigners into the United States contrary to our immigration laws. If this country is once more to become the land of the free, then Biden and all governors who ignore our laws need to defeated at the next election or we, like the Roman Empire, will disappear among a host of foreigners who come from the mental institutions and prisons of the world to ruin the only democracy the world has ever seen.

Shalom u'vracha.

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