The Judeo-Christian Connection

Commentary by Dr. Gerhard Falk


The Jewish Origin of Christianity

On a number of occasions  during friendly associations with American Christians I was asked to convert to Christianity. Those who made such suggestions believed they were doing me a favor  as they hoped to rescue me from a religion, Judaism, which seemed to them antiquated and inconsequential in view of Christianity, which these Christians view as an advancement from the old to the new. Hence, Christians call the Torah “The Old Testament,” and a book about a Jewish man they call by the Latin name Jesus as “The New Testament.”

The words “testament” consists of two Latin words:  testes, the male reproductive organ, and mens, meaning hand.  Ancient people swore an oath by touching their fathers’ organs. In Berayshit or Genesis we read that Joseph swore by his father’s organ that he would take Jacob’s body to a burial place in Israel. This is seen as pornographic were we to translate both words into English. Nevertheless “testament” is freely used because we don’t know Latin.

Christians use a good deal of  Hebrew among their names and during their religious ceremonies as well as their music. Michael, a common American name, is Hebrew.  It consists of three words , Mee Cho Ale and means “Who Is Like God.”  Joseph is also a Hebrew word  and means “He added.” Rachel, Sarah, Joshua, and  other Hebrew names are used even by such Nazi monsters as Joseph  Goebbels, Hitler’s best friend.

Hallelujah, “Let Us Praise God,” is a common Christian expression, as is amen, meaning “so be it,” as well as Beth El or “House of God,” found on many churches, and Bethlehem, a  town in Israel called Beth Lechem or House of Bread.  In short, Christianity is heavily indebted to the Hebrew language .

The Bible is a Jewish book, except for the New Testament, although the Christian God, Jesus, was a Jew. The word Bible is derived from the town of Biblos in Lebanon. The ancient Greeks imported the wide leaves of palm trees from Biblos. They dried these leaves and wrote on them. Then they rolled these leaves into scrolls and called them  Biblos. We call the sacred writings bibles. In all synagogues (Greek for assemble together) Jews read the Five Books of Moses from a handwritten scroll.

Because the birthdate of Joshua or Savior or Jesus is not known, the Jews who converted to Christianity used the Jewish calendar to fix the date of Christmas on the Hebrew month of Kislev. On the 25th of Kislev, Jews celebrate a holiday called Chanukah, or dedication in English. Kislev occurs at the same time as December so that Christmas became observed on December 25th. It is remarkable that the Latin word December means tenth, November means ninth and October means eighth, but are used among us as if December meant twelve, etc.  

American journalists call anti-Jewish hate mongers anti-semites. This is nonsense. Linguists named the Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic languages Semitic languages by using  the story of  Noah and  the great flood to give these related languages a common name. Sem, the Bible tells us, was one of the sons of Noah. Since he settled in Israel after the flood, linguists called three languages spoken in the same neighborhood Semitic.

It was Hitler who claimed Jews are a Semitic race and not a religion. Nazis say “Die religion ist einerlei, in der Rasse liegt die Schweinerei.”

All Christians read the Bible as well as the New Testament. Yet, even the New Testament is very Jewish, as Jesus, whom Christians call the Messiah, constantly quoted the Five Books of Moses.

Messiah is derived from the Hebrew word Moshiach, which means “smeared.” In Greek translation the word Moshiach becomes “Chrio.” It too means smeared. In Latin,  smeared means annuere and we say annointed.  When Saul became the first king of Israel, the prophet Samuel smeared oil on his forehead to indicate Saul’s monarchical rank. All the later kings of Israel were  smeared with the “supernatural” oil . Since Jesus is regarded as the “King of Israel,” he too was smeared with oil. Oil was regarded as supernatural because in the heat of Israel, oil in the ground will sometimes lead to the burning  of the vegetation by spontaneous combustion.

In 323 the emperor of Rome decreed that Christianity had  become the official religion of the Roman empire. From then and until 1945, European Christians brutally persecuted the European Jews . Christians believe that Jesus will come back if and when all Jews convert to Christianity. Failure of Jews to do so is viewed as an obstinate crime. During the reign of Hitler in Europe, the Christian clergy told the Jews they deserved to be murdered because they refused to become Christians.

Today in America, freedom of religion is a basic law, found in our Constitution.  Therefore, American Christians are far more likely to favor the rights of Jews than is true in Europe. Hence there exists here the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, who are concerned with furnishing food and other needs to the few Jews remaining in Europe. In addition, there are Christian Zionists in this country who support Israel in a most vigorous fashion.

Ever since the United Nations voted to establish the independent Jewish state, Israel, the Muslim nations, with a few exceptions, have attempted to kill all Jews, whether or not they live in Israel, pretending that Israel was  at some  time a Muslim country. Therefore the Arabs have attacked Israel again and again. The last attempt to murder all Israelis occurred  on October 7, 2023, and has lasted for several months but has not succeeded. The Muslims , who have a following of 1.5 billion adherents, keep claiming that so called Palestinians are the original inhabitants of Israel and that no Jew has a right to live there or anywhere else. The history of Israel reveals that there are neither now, nor in the past, any Palestinians,  since the word Palestinian is derived from the Latin word PALESTINA. That designation was invented by the Roman emperor Hadrian, who  was extremely angry to learn that the small Jewish army facing the Roman army of 400,000 men during the Bar Kochba revolt of 132-136 against the Roman occupation of Israel, had inflicted major losses in men and weapons on the Romans. Hadrian therefore ordered that the defeated Israelis were never to live in Israel again and that their country would be called PALESTINA to pretend that the ancient and extinguished Philistines were then the rightful inhabitants  of Israel. There were no Philistines alive in Hadrian’s day. All had amalgamated and assimilated into the Israeli population and were therefore no longer in existence in the second century. Those Muslims and Arabs who today call themselves Palestinians are Arabs who moved into the Holy Land with a view of seizing all land, all property, all money, and all possessions of the Jewish population whom the Arabs seek to kill.

After the Romans destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem and after all Jews had been expelled from the land, Israel remained without Arab inhabitants, although a small Jewish population continued to live in Jerusalem .

In the third century, the Roman empire ceased to exist. The Romans had allowed so many German and other tribes to enter the Roman Empire that the western part of the empire had an excess of foreigners living there. These non-Romans did not speak Latin and did not share the history nor the religion nor anything else with the Romans. Therefore the western empire disintegrated, The lands became Spain, Portugal, England, France, Italy, and Romania. This development  led the Emperor Constantine to leave Rome and move to Byzantium, a small town in an area now called Turkey. At first Constantine called the new city  New Rome. Later it was called Constantinople or The City of Constantine. Today some American cities are called by the Greek name for cities such as Minneapolis and Indianapolis. The word police is also related to the Greek polis.

Constantine lived from 272 to 331. His empire was called The Byzantine empire. It lasted until 1453 when the Muslim Turks  invaded Constantinople, renamed the city Istanbul, and forced the population to become Muslims. The entire empire was thereafter ruled by a Muslim, including Israel and Jerusalem. The land was often visited by nomadic tribes, but only some Jews lived in Jerusalem.

Meanwhile the English population had begun to read English translations of the Torah and therefore insisted that the British ambassador to Turkey persuade the Sultan to let the Russian Jews settle in Israel once more. This failed entirely, as the Sultan allowed only a minor number of Jews to stay permanently in Jerusalem. The Turkish Sultans did not allow any Arabs to live in the Holy Land.

In 1914, the First World War began when Germany, Austria, and Turkey formed an alliance who fought  against France, Britain, Russia, and the United States. In 1918, the Allies won the First World War. A British army, commanded by General Allenby, moved from Egypt into Israel. They defeated the Turks, who were commanded by German generals. The British then established themselves in Israel and stayed there until 1948. Durng the years 1919-1948, the British government urged the European Jews to move to Israel. Few European Jews were willing to do so until the Nazi persecutions increased the migration of Jews to Israel.

When the surrounding Arabs saw how the Holy Land was being developed by the Jews, they suddenly called themselves Palestinians and conducted numerous wars against the Israeli population in the hope of killing all Jews in a manner similar to the mass murders already in progress in Europe during the Nazi dictatorship.

Recent developments have shown that Iran and other Muslims seek to benefit by killing all Jews, whether in Israel, in Europe, in America, or elsewhere. It is a firm doctrine of Muslim theology that no one who believes in Judaism has the right to live and that therefore all Muslims are encouraged to kill all Jews, whereever  they may be.

Lucretius (99 BC-55 BC) once wrote in his book  De Rerum Natura, “Tantum Religio Potuit, suadere malorum.” How right he was.

Shalom u'vracha.

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