Right to Life or Right to Choose?

Commentary by Dr. Gerhard Falk


Abortion Politics

The Latin word ortus means birth. Abortion means not born. Therefore abortion is derived from Latin.

Abortion refers to the operation by a surgeon leading to the ending of a pregnancy. Abortions may be performed in the early days of a pregnancy or in later days. Therefore there is currently a political dispute between those who prohibit all abortions no matter what the outcome for the pregnant woman and those who favor abortion, including the taking of a baby’s life.

Politicians who argue for or against abortions are utterly wrong by interfering in abortion decisions by pregnant women. Reason tells us that the pregnant mother is the only one entitled to make a decision concerning the abortion of her unborn fetus. Unfortunately the stupid arrogant politicians who constantly interfere in the private lives of Americans make laws dealing with issues which should never be a part of the responsibilities of politicians, elected or appointed.

Abortion involves a medical-surgical consideration which is foreign to the lawyers who rant is our legislatures without knowing anything. Having been elected by honest or dishonest means does not entitle the holder of a seat in a legislature to pretend to having medical knowledge. The decision to abort is the right of the mother and a licensed physician and no one else. They are the only professionals who can safely abort.

If the ignorant politicians can decide whether or not a woman may abort, then we must allow the halfwits in our political offices to decide who may have their appendix removed or who may have his kidney stones removed.

The entire debate concerning abortion is conducted by the usual loudmouths who prove their ignorance by their bellowing grunts they produce while sticking their nose into everything that is not their business.

The American people rate members of congress as having very little support and hardly any confidence in their crude behavior. Why not make a law concerning who may have his tonsils or a tooth cavity removed?

Shalom u'vracha.

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